Monday, January 13, 2014

Say hooray for today!!!

Curtains for 2013 closes.. Another chapter is waiting to be explored..Say Hoorayy to 2014! And start it with a smile J
New Year’s Resolution? I tried having those things but it only lasted for a month maybe. Well, for me you don’t need to change everything:  New haircut? New favorites? New crush? New boyfriend? Do you have to change such things because it’s new year? It’s up to you! Well, I think I don’t have the “new me” ‘cause it’s still me. I don’t want to change myself ‘cause I don’t need to…Joke XD..I want to change my height because it doesn’t suit my age. My weight because I’m too light, and of course my face because I’m too beautiful..Hahahaha… But seriously, I want to change myself for being a hot-headed person. I got angry easily and I don’t want that attitude of mine. Some says that they are afraid of me because of that attitude and I hate it so much.. I hate being sensitive.. But still, I love those people who accepted me for who I am, that I can express the true me, that I can say what I want to say even though it hurts them but after all of those words that I’ve said, the actions that I’ve done, they still chose to stay at my side, and I really love them a lot.
New me? Accept me for who I am? Well thank youJ hate me for who I am? Well haters gonna hate!!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Reflection 101

Tags! Tags! Tags!

Third Grading Period is overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! J

Well, it’s been a long journey. Even though our teacher only explained a little about our topics, it is okay because we just did some hands-on activities and I enjoyed it. It was very interesting..Notepad..

I learned how to put a background color and it is so cuteeee  ^_^

The HTML Images also.

The image tag and the src attribute, the Alt Attribute, Aligning images, adjusting sizes and images..
The hyperlinks/hypertext where in it is creatively connect the different elements of a multimedia presentation using colored/underlined text or a small picture called an icon on which the user points the cursor and clicks on a mouse.

We only have 3months to go before graduation and 4th grading period is waiting..Well I hope that it will be easy like the past 3 grading..